Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Physician's Academy at Tor, Class Schedule, Term 12, Jan-Feb, 2015 .

Week 1
    Monday    5-Jan-15   
    Carrie Islar      
    Caste Codes & Ethics
    Tuesday    6-Jan-15   
    El MacLeod     
    Common Procedures: Medical Inspection, Listening (stethoscopes), Palpation, Percussion and Temperature

    Wednesday    7-Jan-15   
    Scout Galt       
    Discussion: Head of Caste, physician, apprentice, and mentor:  How does it all fit together?  Roles and responsibilities.

    Thursday    8-Jan-15   
    Snow Gryphon   
    The Gorean Caste of Physicians
    Friday    9-Jan-15   
    Practice       Field Trip (Carrie & Snow)

Week 2               
    Monday    12-Jan-15   
    Carrie Islar   
    Tuesday    13-Jan-15   
    El MacLeod   
    Common Procedures:  Lymph Nodes, Thyroid, Breasts, ENT, Hair

    Wednesday    14-Jan-15   
    Claude Belgar   
    How to not send the spetsnaz on  godmoders and metagamers

    Thursday    15-Jan-15   
    Snow Gryphon   
    Slave Exams
    Friday    16-Jan-15   
    Practice    Slave Exams

Week 3               
    Monday    19-Jan-15   
    Carrie Islar   
    Arrow Removal & Stitches
    Tuesday    20-Jan-15   
    El MacLeod   
    Common Procedures: Control Bleeding, Clean Wounds, Sutures, Bandaging

    Wednesday    21-Jan-15   
    Scout Galt   
    Discussion: Combating the deadliest disease: drama
    Thursday    22-Jan-15   
    Snow Gryphon   
    Role Playing the Gorean Physician
    Friday    23-Jan-15   
    Practice    Arrow Removal & Stitches (Carrie)

Week 4               
    Monday    26-Jan-15   
    Carrie Islar   
    Prenatal Checkup
    Tuesday    27-Jan-15   
    El MacLeod   
    Common Procedures: Drawing Blood, Injection, Transfusion
    Wednesday    28-Jan-15   
    Kaiila Mahoney   
    The Reactionary Course
    Thursday    29-Jan-15   
    Snow Gryphon   
    Friday    30-Jan-15   
    Practice    Prenatal Checkup (Carrie)

Week 5               
    Monday    2-Feb-15   
    Carrie Islar   
    Tuesday    3-Feb-15   
    El MacLeod   
    Herbal medicines & preparation
    Wednesday    4-Feb-15   
    Scout Galt   
    Discussion: Babies: prim, scripted, and avatar babies & kids
    Thursday    5-Feb-15   
    Snow Gryphon   
    Friday    6-Feb-15   
    Practice    Birthing (Carrie)

Week 6               
    Monday    9-Feb-15   
    Carrie Islar   
    Postnatal Checkup
    Tuesday    10-Feb-15   
    El MacLeod   
    Wednesday    11-Feb-15   
    Claude Belgar   
    How to avoid sending your audience for a nap during roleplay

    Thursday    12-Feb-15   
    Snow Gryphon   
    Treating Wounds & Battle Wounds
    Friday    13-Feb-15   
    Practice    Treating Wounds & Battle Wounds
Week 7               
    Monday    16-Feb-15   
    Carrie Islar   
    Poisons 1
    Tuesday    17-Feb-15   
    Darcy Ohara Boa-Danca   
    Wednesday    18-Feb-15   
    Scout Galt   
    Discussion: TBD
    Thursday    19-Feb-15   
    Snow Gryphon   
    Stabilization Serum, Slave Wine & Releasing Wine
    Friday    20-Feb-15   
    Practice    Responding to an Emergency (Carrie & Snow)
Week 8               
    Monday    23-Feb-15   
    Carrie islar   
    Poisons 2
    Tuesday    24-Feb-15   
    Darcy Ohara Boa-Danca   
    Wednesday    25-Feb-15   
    Caraya Ash'rah   
    Thursday    26-Feb-15   
    Snow Gryphon   
    Diseases of Gor (Bazi Plague, Dar Kosis, Rabies and Dysentery)

    Friday    27-Feb-15   
    Practice    Graduation

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Dunvegan Infirmary Role Play Labs schedule for Oct.- Nov., 2014

The Dunvegan Infirmary provides demos and practice sessions for Gorean Physician's Caste apprentices and physicians.  Classes are at 3pm SLT and are from 1-2 hours in duration.  Demos for observation are conducted by qualified physicians.  Practice classes will begin with a 15-30 minute lecture followed by hands-on practice.  Typically, attendees will be paired as physician/patient for the first half then switch roles in the second half of the practice section.

Classes for October and November 2014:

Tues Oct 28 - Battlefield Medic Practice lead by Snow Gryphon
Serving as a battlefield medic in a raid can be an important and regular part of a physician's practice.  This class will begin with a concise lecture on battlefield medic procedures followed by hands-on practice of a simulated battle serve.  Availability limited on a first come, first served basis.

Tues Nov 4 - Prenatal Demo/Practice presented by Elspeth MacLeod
Prenatal Exams are important in Gor.  This is a short lecture and a Role Play of the process for those who need a refresher or to to add it to their Skill Set.  You will be expected to Role Play during the session and log it for your Skill Set. Limited to four persons.  Please Register by contacting ElspethMacleod

Tues Nov 11 - Burns Practice lead by Snow Gryphon
Knowing how to treat burns is an essential skill for a physician.  This class will begin with a short lecture of burns and their treatments followed by hands-on practice of treating a burn. Availability limited on a first come, first served basis.

Tues Nov 18 - Birthing Demo/Practice presented by Elspeth MacLeod
Birthing skills are required of every Green.  After a short lecture, you will observe a birth and be asked to participate in the process.  Learn, Role Play, and log it for your Skill Set. Limited to four persons.  Please Register by contacting ElspethMacLeod

Tues Nov 25 - Fractures Practice lead by Snow Gryphon
Fractures are common in Gor, both as part of daily life and in battle.  In this class you will learn how to treat simple and compound fractures and have an opportunity to practice treating a simple fracture. Availability limited on a first come, first served basis.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Upcoming Classes at Tor

Classes at the Physician's Academy at Tor this Week, 10am SLT

Tuesday October  21, Herbal Series, Lecture 6 of 6..presented by Lady Elspeth MacLeod

Thursday October 23, Basics of Gorean Veterinary Medicine, Lecture and Practice, by Snow Gryphon


At Gorean Campus

Poisons and Their Treatments, -  Part Two of Two.  Friday October 24, 2014.  Time 9 AM SLT

Instructor: Elspeth MacLeod  

Monday, May 5, 2014


"I wondered, too, on the nature of my affliction. I had had the finest wound physicians on Gor brought to attend me, to inquire into its nature. They could tell me little. Yet I had learned there was no damage in the brain, nor directly to the spinal column. The men of medicine were puzzled. The wounds were deep, and severe, and would doubtless, from time to time, cause me pain, but the paralysis, given the nature of the injury, seemed to them unaccountable." 

Marauders of Gor, page 18

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Limerick Poem

There once was a self-centered Green
Who delighted in making a scene
But one day the drama
Caused too much trauma
And now she is no longer seen.

Herbs usage - beans

Herb Usage
Beans - Marauders of Gor, page 81

Beans are extremely high in antioxidants. Bean pods are effective in lowering blood sugar levels and can be used for mild cases of diabetes. Bean pod tea is useful for dropsy, sciatica, chronic rheumatism, and kidney and bladder problems. Externally, bean meal promotes healing of ulcers and sores.
Bean Poultice
Stir one tablespoon of water into two tablespoons of bean meal to make a paste. Spread on rence cloth and cover with a thinner piece of rep cloth.  Place on affected part.  Renew if necessary.

Friday, April 4, 2014


"Similarly men of such castes as the Physicians and Builders make use of the fairs to disseminate and exchange information pertaining to their respective crafts." 

"Outlaw of Gor" page 47