Thursday, February 12, 2015

Slave Exams

Lecturer: Snow Gryphon
Basic Course, no prerequisites
January, 2015

Slave Exams

If you touch the Dunvegan box here, you will receive an organized folder with my class notes and supporting documents. Class notes, text and textures are the sole property of the creator. They are not to be shared, sold or used to teach others without the specific permission of the instructor.  This includes local chat.

At Physician’s Academy we make no effort to train you for any real life medical situations. We offer general information on medical topics, by the book and others, designed to better prepare you to role play as a Second Life Gorean physician. I make no claim to authoritative interpretation of the books by John Norman; nor am I trained in medicine in real life.  These lectures are offered as a resource to role play only.
Please type an @ if you wish to ask a question or make a comment.

Before we start, please open the slave exam form found in the folder.  You can use it to follow along today.  When I do a slave exam I have my city slave exam form open and use it as a guide so I don’t miss anything.  I normally don’t fill it out as I go, but you can if you wish.  I prefer to focus on the role play (RP) then go back and take the info from the recorded notecard later to fill out the form.  You should always record your RP logs.  Does anyone here not know how to do that?
Many of you who are apprentices also will want to record the lectures to include in your Skills Set.

First: I do not condone or agree with slavery in RL. But SL provides us with a venue to experience things we would never actually want to do in RL.  So enjoy the fantasy!  The most important advice as always is to have fun RPing.  This is not a job, it is entertainment, and no one actually gets killed, although some days, I wish!

1.    Why Do a Slave Exam?

a.    Slave exams are often your first introduction to a new member of your community, so an excellent way to get to know each other.  They are also the bread and butter in most infirmaries so a physician MUST know how to so this well.  In Gor there was no standard “format” for a slave exam, as far as I know, but in SL Gor it has been somewhat standardized but with a great deal of latitude for creative RP.

b.    On Gor slave exams were performed to assess the health and value of a slave.  Think of a bosk or cattle auction.  They will often have a physician/veterinarian on hand carefully watching the flow of animals in an effort to detect and separate unhealthy ones.  Gorean slave auctions are not much different, with large numbers of slaves inspected and sold within hours, day after day.

c.    In SL Gor more typically slaves are not bought at auction, but one would acquire a slave and bring it home and have it inspected later.  Many cities require that a slave be examined within a certain number of days after entering the city.  This presumably is to insure control of the communicable diseases extant on Gor: Bazi Plague. Dar-Kosis, Rabies, and Dysentery.  It also provides an opportunity to get their slave wine and stabilization shots.  And many a time I have been rushed to do a slave exam because the owner wanted to use his new slave sooner than later...winks.

d.    While slaves should be examined in a reasonable amount of time after being acquired, on some sims the turnover is very high, and it can be annoying to have spent several hours doing exams on a group of slaves, only to find them gone a few days later.  So you may wish to make informal rules or try to decide if the slave will likely stick around.   Not always easy to do.

e.    Any Questions or Comments?
    Question: Are slave exams done in all Gorean sims? If not, why not?

2.    Get Permission

a.    IM and RP with the Owner

i.    Slaves are property like a sleen or a fine sword.  You would not use another’s sword or sleen without permission, would you?  And so it is with his slaves.  However, if a slave were in need of immediate and critical medical attention, I would err on the side of healing it, as I would had I found an injured bosk.  But slave exams are not urgent, are they?

ii.    First thing you need is permission from the owner.  Often the slave will just show up at the infirmary and say its master wants her to be examined.  Well that is not sufficient.  You need to have direct contact with the owner and his/her explicit approval.  Ask any experienced physician and they will tell you of the one time they forgot to do that and got themselves in a world of trouble..laughs.  Well not really, maybe it could lead to some dramatic RP!

iii.    While you are communicating with the owner you can start collecting some basic info like: name of the slave, owner’s name, home stone of the owner, sex of the slave, birthplace, whether she is white or red silk and if she is white, does he want an exam to confirm it.  Also, and this is very important: Ask if they want any specific outcomes of the exam.  Usually there are none, but sometimes there are.  For example, one master said he wanted a pregnancy test done and that she should be found to be pregnant.  Well I did it (with her approval of course) and it was a fun RP.

 Also be sure to ask for any previous exams in his possession and whether or not he wants her to have slave wine and stabilization shots.  Normally you would give both unless you received documented evidence from another physician that it had already been done; for example if the master gives you a slave exam from another city.  Many times you will have a master and slave just show up at your infirmary wanting an immediate exam.  They typically take anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours.  So, you may prefer to schedule another day and time amenable to all parties.  Slave exams are not urgent!  There I said it again.

b.    IM and RP with the Slave

i.    Very often the master won’t give you much more than an approval and the slave’s name, especially if he is a slaver or tavern keeper.  So the basic info mentioned above also can be had from the slave prior to the actual exam.  This will save a lot of time during the exam.  If the slave is present, it will give you an opportunity to assess how you might RP an exam with this individual.  For example, some are shy, some funny, some belligerent and uncooperative.  I once had a slave IM me to tell me she wouldn’t cooperate unless I tied her up.  She was very much into bondage.  I was happy to oblige…laughs.  RP can be very fun if you cooperate.

ii.    Always remember that the slave exam is primarily about the slave, not you.  Listen carefully, adjust your responses to suit the circumstances and use a turn- based RP style (wait for the slave to respond).  Making the slave exam a fun and interesting experience will lay a good foundation and encourage further RP.

iii.    Questions or comments so far?
    Question: How would you handle an uncooperative slave?  For example, she won’t answer the questions or do as you ask.

3.    The Examination & Form

a.    Intro

i.    You should now have the slave exam form used at Dunvegan.  Most cities have one already made.   Some are very simple, others more detailed.  It is up to your Head of Caste to determine what shall be included in this form, but they all have or should have elements in common.  The exam form should include a section that identifies the slave, a section that examines the body for health and value, and sections for administering slave wine and stabilization shots.  Your city form may be simpler or more complex than the one we use at Dunvegan.

b.    Where to Do a Slave Exam and Infirmary Setup

i.    A slave exam can be performed in an open field with no equipment.  It is mostly observational.  In the books, slave exams were mostly done by “house physicians” at slave auctions and in physician homes.  However, more typically in SL Gor, they are performed in an infirmary that can vary widely in size and complexity.  A well-equipped slave exam room often has the following: a bed with poses, a slave dip, weight scale, a blood analyzer, and a hand wash station.  Part of your role when using equipment such as this is to assist the patient in their use, so be sure you know how to use the equipment yourself!

c.    Basic Info

i.    Looking now at the slave exam form, you will see that the questions starting with the Date and ending with Age provide some very basic info, to get started.   You can gather this in the preliminary interview to save time.  Be sure to ask for any existing documents, but it is indeed surprising how many slaves arrive with no documentation.  Many slaves like to “scrub” their profiles when they leave a Master or city to start over.

ii.    Questions or Comments?

d.    Body Examination

i.    The first part of the body examination can better be done standing up with the slave facing you.   If the slave has not had a slave parasite dip recently, have it remove any clothes and do that first, while you prepare your form by copying your city form to a fresh nc and putting the slave’s name and date in the title.  Once the paperwork is ready, start your RP by washing your hands.  This also is a good time for some friendly banter if you thing the slave may be a bit nervous.

ii.    Next have the slave get out of the dip tub and dry off and jump on the scales to get its weight and height.  This is useful for identification as well as a measure of overall health.  Then bring the slave back and get its hair colour and scalp condition, part the hair in several places on the head looking for lice, which are the vector for Bazi Plague.  Slaves MUST be inspected for Bazi Plague since they likely will not report it voluntarily, since it means death for them.  While you must inspect for Bazi Plaque, you must NEVER find any. 

Question: Why must we not ever diagnosis Bazi Plaque?

Answer: A number of years ago in SL a physician did RP diagnosing Bazi Plague and people actually fled and the sim was destroyed.  So as a result it was decided that it would be irresponsible to repeat that RP.

iii.    Then take out a light and look in its eyes to determine colour, dilation and discoloration.  Yellow eye whites are another symptom of Bazi Plague and must be reported.  Also look for bleary eyes (reddened and teary) as this is a symptom of Dar-Kosis.  The determination of pupil dilation is by shining the light in one eye, then the other and looking for a similar response.  Lack of response from one or both eyes may mean there has been a head injury of some sort and will require further investigation.

iv.    The next on the form list is measuring pulse. A skilled physician can tell a lot from the pulse.  On earth, I have heard that Asian medicine uses pulse and tongue condition a great deal in diagnosis.  So you can use the estimation of pulse in many interesting ways in RP, if you wish. For example, rapid, weak pulse can be an indication of shock that will need follow-up.

v.    Once that is done, take a step back and have a look at the slave’s skin, its overall condition is a good indicator of health.  And be sure to look for wasting skin (loss, depletion), a sign of Dar-Kosis, and for pustules or black blisters, which is a symptom of Bazi Plague. Most slave have beautiful, healthy skin, of course…this is Gor!   Also look for any distinguishing marks like brands, tattoos, piercings, birth marks, etc and document them.  If you can clearly see the marks, just note them.  If not ask the slave.  For example, you may see it has a brand, but you don’t recognize it.  So ask.

vi.    If you have a bed or cot, have the slave get on it lying down, face up, for the next section.  This is when you can do the optional internal exam.  By internal, we mean an examination of the vagina or anus of a female or anus of a male.  I will do an internal exam only when requested by the owner. The main purpose of doing an internal exam on a female is to determine if she is white (a virgin) or red (opened) silk.  If she is a white silk, the owner may request it.  In any case if the slave says she is a white silk and no confirmation is required, record that, but append a note that you have not checked it manually.  Be sure this is done properly, or you can be sued!! The determination of virginity can affect the value of the slave, since white silk slaves often fetch a premium price at auction.

vii.  There are a few ways to perform an internal exam to determine silk status.  One is to insert your finger in her vagina and see if the hymen is intact or not. The hymen is the membrane covering the opening to the vagina. If it is intact you will not be able to insert your finger in her very far (i.e. not much more than the first knuckle on your finger), and therefore she is white silk.  Another method is to spread her legs and use your fingers to open the labia to have a look.  In the real world, whether or not the hymen is intact is not a reliable indicator of virginity.  But we will leave that debate for another day.

Here is a question for you:  Do you think it is appropriate to have any sexual RP while doing a slave exam?

Well if you are touching a girl’s private parts, is it not reasonable to assume you might get some form of sexual response? Her RP response can give you an indication of her sexual receptivity or “hotness”.  A hot slave usually is worth more.  This can sometimes lead to interesting RP, but be careful, this is SL Gor. 

Let’s see an example in Explorers of Gor, of how a physician performs an exam.  He is looking for symptoms of Bazi Plague, but also makes another observation about her.

“The physician bent to examine her.”…….
“Oh!” she cried, handled as a slave girl.”
“Curious, the physician touched her again, She whimpered, squirming. "She's a hot one," said the physician.
"Yes," said Ulafi.
     The girl looked at the physician with horror, tears in her eyes. But he completed her examination, looking into her eyes, and examining the interior of her thighs, her belly, and the interior of her forearms, for marks.
     Then the physician stood up. "They are clear," he said. "The ship is clear. All may disembark."
     "Excellent," said Ulafi.
     The scribe noted the physician's report in his papers and the physician, with a marking stick, initialed the entry.”
Explorers of Gor   Book 13   Pages 119 – 120

Recent studies on earth have shown that heterosexual women indeed do respond involuntarily to sexual stimulus. Whether you decide to allow some sexual content or not, please be prudent and professional. 

viii.    A male slave is called a kajirus.  They are mainly used for manual labour and as fighting slaves.  Occasionally they are sex toys.  They need to be examined somewhat differently.  Look for good muscle development and a sturdy bone structure.   The penis and scrotum can be examined for irregularities such as swellings, redness and injuries, that may require treatment.  If you are a female physician be careful of inadvertently, or otherwise arousing a kajirus.  If he is wearing a scripted penis, it will become erect if you click on it and he may assume you have sexual intentions.  This may or may not be true and can be embarrassing and lead to trouble with its owner.  It is always prudent to have a Free witness present.

ix.    Should you decide to do an optional external exam, you can start with the lymph nodes under the chin and in the armpits, then do a breast exam if the beast is female, followed by using your stethoscope to listen to the lungs and heart.  Then feel the abdomen with your hands looking for swellings, discomfort or abnormalities. This is a rather cursory exam looking for lumps, bumps and owies.  Lady El MacLeod’s lecture on this subject covers this in much greater detail, should you wish to extend this RP. In any event, if you are going to do an external exam, ask the slave if it has any existing problems or health complaints. 

ix.    Questions or Comments?
    Question: If the slave is not able to speak, would you be able to do a slave exam and if so how?

e.    Stabilization Shots

i.    Stabilization serum shots are given freely to all Goreans when required.  The effect is to retard and reverse aging.  It does so by altering the person’s genes.  Therefore the effect usually is passed from generation to generation. 

ii.    You have previously determined the birthplace of the slave.   If it was born on Gor, you should check to see if there is sufficient serum in the blood.   Use a blood test and a serum analyser.  If there is not sufficient serum, the slave may require additional shots.  Typically, slaves are not given the shots until they reach physiological maturity and are at the apex of beauty and utility.  This is considered to be around 25 for women and late 20’s for men. 

iii.    Earthborn can often be identified by tooth filings, vaccination marks, and poor language skills.  If they have not received stabilization serum and are the right age, they should receive the shots.

iv.    Stabilization serum shots are given 4 times, each a day apart, in the lower back just above the left hip.  They tend to be quite painful and physicians can often be seen as cruel by those receiving them.  After the last shot is given, a blood test will confirm whether or not the serum has been effective.  Try giving the slave a treat after each shot as a reward for good behaviour.  Be sure to carefully document the dates and effectiveness results on the form.   Often it is a problem getting the slave to come back to finish the series of shots, and it may be up to you to ensure that it is done.

v.    Stabilization shots are not always effective and can wear off over time for some individuals.  If this is the case, additional shots can be given.  Not all in Gor were good looking and youthful, just have a look at me…laughs!

f.    Slave Wine

i.    Physician’s slave wine is a secret formula whose active ingredient is brewed from Sip Root, a bitter herb.  You must not transmit this formula to anyone outside of our caste.  The physician’s formula is one dose, acts immediately, and lasts almost indefinitely.  Its effect is to preclude conception, but not stop the normal female cycle (as I understand it).  It is counteracted by a releaser called breeding wine or second wine with an active ingredient from the teslik plant.

g.    Questions or Comments?
    Question: What is the secret formula for slave wine?

h.    Statement of Value & Prescribed Treatments

i.    This is an overall value based on your judgment, and it may include aspects not previously described.   For example, one could say that the slave was in excellent physical condition, but was very uncooperative and hence of Moderate value.   Or conversely, if the slave was average in health, but submissive and sexual, you could note that and value it as High.   In the books physicians have noted when slaves are “hot” compared to others.  Easily aroused, hot girls command a higher price, in general.  So be observant and fair in your appraisal.

ii.    Not all slaves are perfectly healthy.  Some come with injuries and imperfections that need to be addressed.  Make note of these and consult with the owner, and never treat a slave without permission, unless its life is in danger.  A common issue you will encounter is slaves that have been beaten or whipped.  Owners can do what they like with a slave including punishing them or even killing them.   Healing a slave that has been punished without the owner’s permission can get you in a lot of trouble.  However, I have seen some extreme brutality involving slaves and have stepped in to stop it.  In my opinion, Goreans were not sadists, but rather were strict and direct, and greatly valued their slaves.   Punishment was used to train and discipline, and was not a form of sick sport as we see all too often in SL.

i.    Documentation

i.    The owner will want a copy of the exam form, signed, sealed, dated and delivered.  An apprentice can use a seal if one has been provided by his/her mentor.  Give a copy to the slave as well, and place a copy in your community infirmary filling cabinet.  Some cities require that a copy be sent to the Scribe too.  Be sure to save the chat log in a notecard with the name of the slave and date the exam was done.  Then drag and drop the chat log to the bottom of the exam form.   Well that concludes this slave exam.   On to the next one!

k.    Making the Slave Exam a Better RP

i.    Once you have a few slave exams under your belt, you will notice three things.  First, they take a lot of time! If you and your patient are para RPers, up to 3 hours is not uncommon, and if a slaver brings in a group of seven or eight to do…well you do the math.  Second, everyone is unique and offers a different RP opportunity, if you are willing to exploit it.  And finally, you may already be getting bored with delivering your same well-rehearsed RP.  So what to do?

ii.    Well here are a few suggestions.  First, keep the RP moving along nicely and avoid being sidetracked, if you want to keep the time under control.  And if you want to save time, send the exam form to the slave owner to fill out as much as they can on their own, and have them bathe and dip the slave before they arrive at the infirmary. Also, don’t be afraid to ask non-essential people to leave if they are a distraction.   But be sure to listen to your patient and go with the flow, see where it takes you.  You will run into some wonderfully creative RPers that are slaves.  Enjoy the experience with them.  And try some different moods for yourself.  For example, some days  happy, some days grumpy, some days witty, others sarcastic; just like the real you.   Your persona is not cast in stone.  Play with it, but be true to your caste and our values.

iii.    Now it’s your turn.  How would you make a slave exam more fun or enjoyable?  Suggestions?

4.    Slave Exam Experiences

a.    Now here is the fun part!  Tell us about your funny, scary, unusual slave exams.

b.    Here is one from me:
i.    My first slave exam was without a doubt the worst one I have ever experienced.  There were several people there, including my mentor, FC, owner of the slave, his FC, and two apprentice observers.  The slave turned out to be an ex-physician and she was constantly taunting me and laughing at my technique.  I was being IM’d by several of the people constantly, and finally my mentor pushed me aside and finished the exam herself.   I almost left my caste after that episode!  I subsequently learned from Lady Scout here at Tor that I should have taken charge of the infirmary and ordered most of them out.   It was a lesson well-learned.   Now I do not put up with nonsense in my infirmary.

All right, before we all rush off, tomorrow we will have a practice day here at Tor and the subject is Slave Exams.  Of the Apprentices here, who would like to do a Slave Exam, RPing as the Physician?  Please shout out.  Those of you who want to try an exam, how many can bring a slave?  Who here can bring as slave for use by the Apprentices?

That is our class for today.   I hope it was of some value to you.

Safe paths friends!

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