Lecturer: Snow Gryphon, Dunvegan Physician
November, 2014
Basic Course, no prerequisites
Tal Everyone:
Lady Carrie is not able to be with us today on the first lecture of the 11th term here at the Physician’s Academy at Tor. This term will see a renewed focus on basic training for Apprentices, and of course Physicians are welcome to attend as well to refresh their knowledge and share insights. Apprentices can use this lecture in your Skills Set.
Today’s lecture is on Slave Wine and Releasing Wine.
I would like to thank my beautiful Companion Lady El, for helping me prepare this lecture and for testing all those formulations of slave wine. She is worried that we may never have children as a result, but I am confident that my new and improved Releasing Wine will work this time!
At Physician’s Academy we make no effort to train you for any real life medical situations. We offer general information on medical topics, by the book and others, designed to better prepare you to role play as a Second Life Gorean physician. I make no claim to authoritative interpretation of the books by John Norman; nor am I trained in medicine in real life. These lectures are offered as a resource to role play only.
Please type an @ if you wish to ask a question or make a comment.
Slave Wine and Releasing Wine
Slave Wine
So what is slave wine and why do slaves have their own wine? Well it turns out that it actually isn’t “wine” at all.
"This is not really wine, or an alcoholic beverage. It is called slave wine I think for the amusement of the Masters. It is extremely bitter.” (Dancer of Gor pg. 174)
So, even Gorean Masters have a sense of humour.
Slave wine is used to prevent pregnancy in female slaves.
“Slave wine , that bitter drought,” she said, “that I might not be bred except as masters might please.” “Yes,” he said. “But I may be bred, as masters might please.” “Of course,” he said. “For I am a slave.” “Yes.”“An animal.” “Yes.” (Kur of Gor)
Slave wine is not used on male slaves (kajirus).
"Slave wine is bitter intentionally so. Its effect last for more than a Gorean month. I did not wish the females to conceive, A female slave is taken off slave wine only when it is her Masters intention to breed her." (Marauders of Gor pg. 23-24)
In this case, the slave wine mentioned is the kind used by slavers.
But why do Goreans not want their female slaves to become pregnant?
"He proffered me a cup and I with one hand holding the blanket about me with the other drank its contents. It was a foul brew but I downed it. I did not know at the time but it was slave wine. Men seldom breed upon their slave girls." (Slave Girl of Gor pg. 69)
Slaves on Gor are used for work and sex. Pregnant slaves are not as useful for either. Also any children born of a slave is a slave. Gorean men do not want their children to be slaves. However slaves are routinely bred like livestock on earth.
“Men seldom breed upon their slave girls. Female slaves, when bred, are commonly hooded and crossed with a male slave, similarly hooded, the breeding conducted under the supervision of their respective owners; a girl is seldom bred with a slave from her own house; personal relationships between male and female slaves are usually frowned upon; sometimes, however, as a discipline even a high female slave is sometimes thrown to a chain of work slaves for their pleasure.” ( Slave Girl of Gor, Pages 69-70)
Valuable slaves often are bred to produce valuable slave offspring. So, slave wine is used to carefully control who is bred, with whom, and when.
"Slave wine makes sense in a slave-holding culture such as Gor. The breeding of slaves, like any sort of domestic animals, and particularly valuable ones, is carefully controlled. As a slave, of course, I could be bred, or crossed, when, and however, my master might see fit. It is the same as with other animals." (Dancer of Gor, p 175)
Question: You have just purchased a hot slave girl and want to have sex with her tonight. You bought her from a slaver and he said she was given slave wine, but you have no documentation other than your ownership papers. What should you do?
Slave Wine Ingredients and Administration
The active ingredient of slave wine is sip root. Sip root is derived from a plant widely available on Gor. In areas where it is grown, girls are made to chew the root.
"We make them chew carefully and watch closely to see that they swallow, bit by bit, in small swallows, sip roots, as well," said another." We then examine their mouths, forcing them widely open, to determine that they have finished their entire allotment of the root," said another. I nodded. Sip roots are extremely bitter. Slave wine, incidentally, is made from sip roots.” (Blood Brothers of Gor Book 18 Page 124)
Sip root in its raw state is usually given every month for safety, but the effect usually lasts 3-4 months.
“She did not need the sip root, of course, for, as she had pointed out, she had had some within the moon, and, indeed, the effect of sip root, in the raw state, in most women, is three or four moons.” (Blood Brothers of Gor Book 18 Page 319)
“Relia had told me that in the vast grasslands far to the east, the Barrens, the white slaves of red masters must chew and swallow the root raw.” (Smugglers of Gor)
There are at least two variations of slave wine. The version used by slavers usually is renewed once or twice a year.
“One draught of the substance is reputed to last until the administration of an appropriate "releaser." In spite of this belief, however, or perhaps in deference to tradition, lingering from earlier times, in which, it seems, less reliable "slave wines" were available, doses of this foul stuff are usually administered to female slaves at regular intervals, usually once or twice a year. Some girls, rather cynical ones, I suspect, speculate that the masters give it to them more often than necessary just because they enjoy watching them down the terrible stuff. This is unlikely, however. There are cheaper and more easily available ingredients for such a mode of discipline than slave wine.” (Dancer of Gor Book 22 Page 174)
The version of slave wine provided by physicians is more concentrated and lasts indefinitely.
“ I could not believe how bitter it was. I had learned from Susan, whom I had once questioned on the matter, the objective and nature of slave wine. It is prepared from a derivative of sip root. The formula, too, I had learned, at the insistence of masters and slavers, had been improved by the caste of physicians within the last few years. It was now, for most practical purposes, universally effective. Too, as Drusus Rencius had mentioned, its effects, at least for most practical purposes, lasted indefinitely. “(Kajira of Gor Book 19 Pages 130 – 131)
The formulation of exactly how to make physician’s slave wine is provided here in archaic Gorean:
“jjjsgt mthha qlll ashtrvs akkkfhty”
If you cannot read that, you must first learn archaic Gorean. In addition, you must NEVER reveal this secret formula to anyone outside of our Caste.
Slave wine is typically given as part of a slave exam. Slave exams will be covered later this term. But it may be administered at other times as well.
“Sometimes slave wine is administered more than once. There could be several reasons for this, for example, one might not know if it has been administered before, and one might wish to make sure of the matter, or one might simply wish additional security in the matter, which seemed to explain the dosage at the World's End, or that before bringing the slave ashore in Brundisium. Too, one might administer it as a punishment, rather like a whipping or a night in close chains. Needless to say, if the slave comes with papers, a certification with respect to slave wine, and the date of its most recent administration, will usually be included in the papers.” (Mariners of Gor Book 30 Pages 524 – 525)
Question: A slaver has noticed you eyeing one of his slave girls. He offers to give her to you for free if you give him the formula for physician’s slave wine. What should you do?
Releasing Wine
The effect of slave wine is removed by a Releasing Wine (or Breeding Wine). It is made from the teslik plant. Releasing wine in contrast to slave wine, tastes good.
“The green caste has also produced the “releaser,” as it is called, which is reputedly delicious. It removes the effects of slave wine.” (Smugglers of Gor)
“In the concentrated state, as in slave wine, developed by the caste of physicians, the effect is almost indefinite, usually requiring a releaser for its remission, usually administered, to a slave, in what is called the breeding wine, or the "second wine".” (Blood Brothers of Gor, p 319)
"The active ingredient of breeding wine or second wine is a derivative of teslik." (Blood Brothers of Gor pg. 320)
“The green caste has also produced the “releaser,” as it is called, which is reputedly delicious. It removes the effects of slave wine.” (Smugglers of Gor)
“The Releaser, however, is not only palatable, but aromatic and delicious.” (Kur of Gor Book 28 Pages 183 – 184)
“The releaser, I am told, unlike slave wine, which is quite bitter, is quite pleasant, rather like a sweet wine, or fruit liqueur. It is usually administered when it is decided that the slave is to be bred.” (Mariners of Gor Book 30 Pages 524 – 525)
Releasing wine typically is given to a slave just prior to being bred.
“When administered the “releaser,” a girl may expect to be hooded and sent to the breeding stalls.” (Smugglers of Gor)
“When it is given to the girl she may, to her dismay and misery, and perhaps shrieking for mercy, expect to be soon sent to the breeding sheds, to be chained and hooded, and crossed with a male slave, who is similarly hooded.” (Kur of Gor Book 28 Pages 183 - 184)
Question: A slave girl does not want to take her Releasing Wine because she knows what comes next. What should you do?
Wine of the Noble Free Women
Now we know all about slave wine and why it is used. Let us turn now to its use with free women.
In a planet where people can live for several hundred years due to the availability of Stabilization Serum (to be discussed in a later lecture), birth control is of vital importance to prevent over-population. Therefore routinely, free women when they come of age are given a version of slave wine called Wine of the Noble Free Woman.
“Needless to say, free women are not subjected to the hateful and disgusting, the contemptible and demeaning, miseries of slave wine. Related potions which might be quaffed by free women, if they should choose to do so, for they are free, are reputedly mild and flavorful, as would be suited to their status. They, of course, are not animals to be bred or not bred as masters might choose. They are free. They are not owned. They are not slaves.” (Smugglers of Gor)
Wine of the Noble Free Woman works in exactly the same way as physician’s slave wine. However sweeteners and flavouring ingredients are added to make it more palatable.
“Whereas, as suggested earlier, the effects of slave wine and "the wine of the noble free woman" are identical, the common ingredient being sip root, there is a considerable difference in the two drinks. Slave wine makes no attempt to conceal the bitterness of ground, raw sip root, whereas "the wine of the noble free woman" is flavored, spiced, and sweetened in such a way that it offers no offense to the delicate and more refined sensibility of the free woman.” (Swordsmen of Gor Book 29 Page 235)
Even if a free woman does not have a Companion, she will be given Wine of the Noble Free Woman because Gor is a very dangerous unpredictable place, especially for women. Capture and rape are not uncommon, and illicit affairs are certainly a possibility.
When a free woman wishes to conceive she takes Releasing Wine, the same as any slave.
Wine of the Noble Free Woman and Releasing Wine are administered only when requested by her. They are after all free. However, the administration of Releasing Wine usually is part of a RP involving the Free Companion and their plans for having children. You will need to follow up on this later when she becomes pregnant.
Question: A man comes to you and says he wants you to give his Companion Releasing Wine, but she refuses. What should you do?
Slave Wine and Releasing Wine in Role Play (RP)
All right, the basics are covered, now how can we use what we have learned to further Role Play?
Typically your first introduction to a slave will be for her slave exam. This can often be a tedious affair if you don’t make an effort to “spice it up”. Slave wine is almost always given as part of the slave exam. So, one thing you can do is to warn the slave that the slave wine tastes really bad and that it is very bitter. Then see what she does. Many slaves will run with this idea and the result will be some hilarious RP.
Slaves have no control over whether or not they take slave wine. If they are uncooperative, it is forced down their throat.
“Then, before I could breathe again, the vessel was tipped, and fluid began to flood into my mouth, a repellant, gross, revolting fluid, and it filled my mouth like a pool. Held as I was , I could not rid myself of it. I needed air. My head hurt, from the strain on my tightly grasped hair. My wrists fought the cords that held them. In my oral cavity, bitter and reeking, brimming it, reposed that small, foul pool , like a tiny lake of bitter, odious filth. I wanted to force it from my mouth, but could not do so. I had no air with which to expel it. I feared I might suffocate. My lungs cried out for air. I must breathe, but to do so the beverage must first be swallowed. I did so.” (Smugglers of Gor)
I have experienced RP with a few uncooperative slaves and it can be a very unpredictable and fun experience. Go with the flow!
And of course, giving a slave Releasing Wine prior to breeding could be an interesting RP too. Although the scarcity of kajirus in SL Gor makes this a rare event.
There are many possibilities for fun RP involving free women. Was the woman raped or not? Did the Wine of the Noble Free Woman work? Where did she get the wine? Is she worried it didn’t? And similarly with the Releasing Wine; she can’t get pregnant and wonders about the Releasing Wine.
So there are limitless RP possibilities even within this subject matter for the creative RPer.
Let’s finish up with a little quiz taken from the PCOG manual to see who was paying attention…laughs.
1) What is the purpose of slave wine?
2) What is slave wine made from:
3) How frequently is slave wine given?
4) Are slaves the only ones who use slave wine?
Tomorrow is a lecture on Poisons by Lady El.
That is all for today.
Safe paths everyone.