Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Gorean Battle Medic 2

Class: The Gorean Battle Medic 2
Lecturer: Snow Gryphon
Prerequisites: The Gorean Battle Medic 1

By touching this Dunvegan box here, you can obtain an organized folder with with my class notes and supporting documents. Class notes, text and textures are the sole property of the creator. They are not to be shared, sold or used to teach others without the specific permission of the instructor.  This includes local chat.

At Physician’s Academy we make no effort to train you for any real life medical situations. We offer general information on medical topics, by the book and others, designed to better prepare you to role play as a Second Life Gorean physician. I make no claim to authoritative interpretation of the books by John Norman; nor am I trained in medicine in real life.  These lectures are offered as a resource to role play only.
Please type an @ if you wish to ask a question or make a comment.

This is the second of a series of lectures called "Gorean Battle Medic (GBM)".  It will deal with Equipment and the Battle Experience. 

Let us begin.

3. Equipment
3.1 GBM Clothing & Equipment

Kajirae should wear a simple modest tunic, preferably green and with their hair under control.  Warriors don’t need to be distracted while they are fighting.  Similarly, kajirus should wear a loin cloth.  Simple clothing also has the advantage of not getting in the way when doing a serve.   The last thing one needs is billowing silks or dresses obscuring the view.  Free women physicians must remain fully clothed and faithfully follow sim rules.   They should endeavour to dress modestly.   And be sure to wear your green arm band to be readily identified by friend and foe alike.  The same exhortation applies to free men physicians except of course they have greater freedom in dress codes.

In addition, GBM’s can be equipped with a tool-belt worn on the arm or waist that may include such items as tweezers, scalpel, knife, light tube, magnifier, bandages, rep cloths, disinfectant and medicines. For a one minute serve with a warrior, one may not have the time to apply a prim bandage or have the warrior drink your favourite healing brew, but when RPing with others not so time constrained, these devices can add to realism and fun. 

3.2 The Mobile Field Infirmary

Whether defending at home or attacking another sim, you may wish to use a Mobile Field Infirmary.   At home, you infirmary may be a long way from the battle site or inconvenient to access, so setting one up can make good sense.  Place it strategically with the advice of your Commander.  It should be close enough for easy access, but out of the way of the normal flow of the battle.

Similarly, when setting up away from home be sure it will be behind your warriors and not easily over-run.  This takes some experience to judge, so avail yourself of the advice of others.  An added complication when attacking is that you likely will not be able to rez out on your enemy’s sim.   So be sure to discuss this with your Commander.  You may have to be added to the enemy group, at least temporarily, to do this.

Well, what constitutes a typical Mobile Field Infirmary?   It may include the following: a tent, one or more beds, a medic belt or backpack and some supply packs. It should be easily seen and well-marked. As soon as you arrive on site, the GBM will help the physician(s) get setup, and be sure to remember where your Mobile Field Infirmary is located at all times!  A well-trained physician and their GBM make a great team for roleplaying.

Question: If your Mobile Field Infirmary is over-run by the enemy, should the GBM try to defend the patients? If so, how?

Comments or questions so far?

5. The Battle

5.1 Rules

Sims often have extensive rules governing all aspects of combat and raids.  We will explore those few that directly impact the GBM on an ongoing basis.   However it is hoped that you will read and follow all the rules of your sim and that of your guest city, when applicable.  I will be using examples taken from a few cities such as Port Cos, Port Olni and Lydius Port.  The rules can vary considerably from city to city, so once again you must read them!!

5.1.1 Roleplay Rules

Most sims will allow reasonable personal RP limits such as:
   “ - Players may choose to opt out of explicit roleplay they do not feel comfortable participating in, such as rape or excessive violence and gore. “
  “ - Limits such as "No binding, no nudity, no branding, no killing, no hair cutting, and no collaring...etc" are unacceptable.  “
  “ - "Fading to Black" for the duration of the incident will help keep the story going.  This means the 8 hours of brutal rape RP you were hoping to subject someone to can be replaced by simply saying their character was raped and moving on with the story rather than TPing out.  “

Note that limits that you cannot normally opt out of are what most consider BTB “normal” aspects of Gorean life.  If you are unable to deal with these issues, you may want to reconsider your role.   Many sims have safe zones to which you can go in battle.   But be sure to write RP limits in your profile to give others a heads up, and if you have a Free Companion or a significant other, it is best to consult with them on these limits as well.

Also, it is not considered good RP to change your mind or role when you find yourself in trouble.   For example, one minute you are a GBM and the next a non-involved Free Woman.  At all times try to be a faithful RPer, sticking to your role.  Some sims have rules such as this one:

   “ - Any changes, invalidations, or termination of RP should be done with the consent of whomever is participating. If no agreeable solution can be met, an RP moderator or Admin should settle the dispute.  Have logs of the incident prepared.”

Many sims also will apply bans if you leave the battle for personal reasons.  Here are some examples:

   “ - TPing out of RP because your group owner or significant other demands it will result in a ban for you.  “
“~ Any one TPing to leave combat and return with a reset meter will be ejected.”

So you can see from these examples, that once a battle starts you must do your best to stay in your role, whatever the consequences, but within reasonable personal limits.  And you also must never TP away to another part of the sim to evade capture.

Question: Give me some examples of how you would actually do a “Fade to Black” if you are captured and are about to be slave raped by several men.

Any other comments or questions?

5.1.2 Combat Rules

Most combat rules are relevant to combatants, but there are a few to keep in mind for the GBM.  The first and almost universal rule is that you must never re-set your meter while in battle.  This often will result in banning.
Also there are rules about the use of doors.  You may think you will be perfectly safe behind that door, but wait, here is an example of some rules:

      “ ~All doors are scripted to be lock picked, to be opened with stolen key or jammed.  “
       “~Door prims are not allowed in Port Cos and will invalidate any attempt to pass through a door.”
       “~Lockpicking or Breaking down doors: 3 emotes needed to pass”
      “ ~Jamming the door:  2 emotes needed”
So you can see that RPing is what it’s all about and you may not be safe anywhere in the battle area.

Many sims have rules limiting the use of weapons.  For example, can bows be used in the city, or not, can arrows be lobbed, are dual wielded weapons allowed and how about grappling hooks?  The GBM must be aware of these rules as they will affect his/her strategy and play.

Question: So you evade capture but the warrior chases you to a locked room that you have entered.  He suddenly appears in the locked-room and starts hacking at you.  How did he likely get in and what should you do?

Any comments or questions?

5.1.3 Capture Rules

Now we will discuss one of the most controversial aspects of life in Gor: being captured.  If not done properly this can split families, and bring great disharmony in communities.

It is not likely that as a GBM you will be capturing anyone, except for their protection.  But it is highly probable that you will be captured in battle.  
Here are some RP rules that typically apply:

“~Binding - Three emotes, minimum of 10 words for full bind, one post for slave bind.  Once you are bound you cannot move, roll, or squirm in any way while bound.”
 “~Unbinding - Three emotes, minimum of 10 words for full bind, one post for slaves”
“~No unbinding others while bound  “ 
“~Self-unbinding  - Ten minutes after battle has ended.”  
Please note that all must be accompanied by RP.  Think it through, keep it real!

So what if you are captured.  What now?   Some sims have rules governing the minimum and maximum time you may be held captive, some don’t.  Some allow captors to take their captives out of the sim, some don’t.  But one thing is clear: Once you are a captive you begin to lose your rights as a free, if you started out as one.  You may be tied up, disrobed and collared.   These are reasonable things that could happen to you while you are down and unconscious, right?

Question: Well there you are on the ground, tied up and no one seems to be paying attention to you.  Can you try to escape?  If so how? 

Any comments or questions?

5.2 Capture & Submission RP

Now let’s think this through carefully keeping the rules in mind.  You suddenly find yourself cornered by a warrior.  Let’s assume you have not been downed and he says “Lady I have you cornered and I intend to capture you”.   What should you do?  Well if I were you I would try to escape, if there was any reasonable probability of success. What is the downside of running?  Worst thing that can happen is you end up in a bubble.  Best thing is you escape and can taunt the luckless warrior.  So make a run for it!  He will try to down you with his melee weapon or fire some arrows at you, if it is legal to do so.   Either way, do some zigzagging to disturb his aim, know where you are going and you may be lucky and escape. 

But let’s assume you haven’t been successful and end up in a bubble.  What now?  Well you must RP being unconscious for a start, so no shouts or emotes or attempts to escape.  He likely will start his binding emotes by coming to you and saying something like “Runs to the side of the downed Lady and quickly ties her arms and legs with binding fiber.”  

Ok you are caught.   Then when your minute is up, he can give you aid to wake you up by saying “Slaps the Lady on the face to awaken her and says “Lady I have captured you, please be still and I will get you some medical attention””, then you respond by clicking on the “Bind” button (click on HUD, Setup, Bind) and saying “Sir, please do not harm me, I am a respected Lady!”  You see you do have to cooperate in RP!  Then he will finish with the third emote as follows: “Checks the binding fibers to see that they are secure and says “Lady XYZ you have been captured by me Sir Powerful””. At this point you may have to just sit there waiting for someone to free you or haul you away.  Or you may opt to try to escape.

Capture and submission are two very different things.   The first can be “forced” on you as the result of being faithful to your RP.  For example, what can you do when you are unconscious besides allow yourself to be tied, disrobed and collared?  Think about it.  After the battle, you captor may seek your submission.  This however will be YOUR choice.   There will always be alternatives scenarios.  Here are a few to consider:

When asked to submit,
1.    You do so willingly
2.    You refuse but are branded and raped anyway
3.    You refuse and are killed
4.    You refuse and are rescued, released, traded or sold
5.    You refuse but agree to work as a GBM for them

There are many possible outcomes and combinations.  But often this is not easy RP and you may find yourself in an emotionally untenable situation and wish to Fade to Black.

We will not discuss killing and suicide except in passing, suffice to say there are extensive rules in most sims governing them and one hopes it never happens to you.   There usually will be a more suitable solution using RP.  But serious grudges can develop between communities and men, often over honour and women, and sometimes extreme measures are sought.

So how do you get home?  Well if you have willingly submitted, you are already home!   Otherwise, there are RP ways to get you home such as by rescue, etc., before the time limit is enforced.  Most sims use a 3 day limit, then you can TP home.  If you are a Free Companion one would hope back to your loving Companion.  These kinds of experience can add stresses to relationships, so it is best to have your strategies and assurances in place before you go to battle. 

For example, there is an issue in most Free Companion contracts that stipulates that once a Free Woman is enslaved, she is no longer a Free Companion.  So if you want to stay together, you and your Companion need to agree about what will really happen if he/she is captured.  And it may not be simple, because you may hear some very malicious remarks and rumours along the way.  Men love to taunt each other after battle and sometimes admins allow things to get out of hand.  Enough said on that.  Be careful!

Question: You are a captured physician and have been told there are many wounded enemy warriors that need your help.  What should you do?

Comments or questions?

5.3 The Battle & Staying Out of Trouble

Battles are often carefully planned affairs preceded by lengthy negotiations, or they may be more impromptu.  Be sure you are well briefed by your Commander.  So if you are on the attacking side, show up on time at the raid dock ready to be of assistance.   Once the raid ratio rules have been verified you will be let in and the fun begins!   Most attacks start with the use of several volleys of arrows traded back and forth.   Find a good place to hide that is easily accessible to the action. A nearby tree or rock would be a good place.  Carefully watch your men and if any fall, leap into action and perform your Aid Service RP.   Then quickly head for cover.   Rinse and repeat.

The next stage usually involves the use of grappling hooks to scale the walls.  Wait a bit before you follow the warriors, you don’t want to end up in the middle of things.   When the time is right, click on the rope and up you go, then orient yourself and find cover again.  Usually, the fighting will be with melee weapons at this point.  Just be sure you don’t get too close to any of the enemy. 

Battles often last for a total ½-2 hours, so stay focused and out of trouble.  It’s not easy!  Besides doing your serves, the important thing to watch is your own meter.  If it dips into the yellow zone, take a time-out to hide and recover.  The idea being that you want to be useful throughout the duration of the battle and aid as many of your warriors as you can.  You may also come across some of your warriors that have been captured.  If they are unguarded, you may be able to untie them.  Do so by clicking on their ropes and having a suitable RP.

Ultimately, one side will wear the other down and a winner will emerge.  Hopefully, it will be your side!  At that point there will be many captives lying around and with some luck and skill you won’t be among them.  The post-battle RP’s then commence. 

Once you get home, give your typing fingers a rest and chill with your comrades.   It also may be a good time to review in your mind what went well and what didn’t.  Ask your warriors for recommendations and advice.  Make some notes and try to do better next time.  All in all, RPing a GBM should be a very fun and rewarding experience.

One final question from me: What is the best beverage to drink after a battle?
Any final comments or questions?

This concludes the series of lectures on the Gorean Battle Medic.   Thank you for attending.